Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Aloe Vera for Sunburn: Why it Works, How to Use It, & More

Aloe Vera has been known as a burn treatment for thousands of years. Aloe was considered very effective for burns, it was once dubbed the \burnt plant\ by ancient Chinese and Egyptians. During the first century AD, the Greek physician Dioscoride advocated the use of soothing Aloe gel on burns. Today, modern research has shown that aloe vera for sunburns not only soothes, but helps the skin heal and can even help prevent the coat normally associated with sun damage! What is a sunburn? Sunburn before and after A burn occurs when your skin receives too much direct exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. UV rays cause damage to the skin. The epidermal layer, that is the outer layer of the skin, blushes, becomes hot, extremely tender, painful and sensitive to touch. Expect a period of discomfort during the first few days, followed by flaking, itching and peeling, usually within 7 days. Although most cases of sunburn are usually mild and short-lived, it is important to avoid it. In the long term, repeated cases of sunburn can increase the risk of developing skin problems later in life, such as advanced wrinkles, liver spots or types of skin cancer. The symptoms of sunburn The symptoms of sunburn depend on the severity. A very mild sunburn may be barely noticeable when a severe sunburn can be a serious problem requiring medical attention. Severity of the sunburn SOFT Pink / red color to the skin itching Slight sensitivity to touch and temperature MODERATE Prominent red color Sensation of heat emanating from the surface of the skin Skin painful to the touch Sensitive to temperature Peeling skin / peeling with itching after a few days SEVERE Dark red skin color Boils or blisters forming on the skin Skin very painful to the touch (feeling almost like a bruise) Intense itching Swelling Tired Nausea Large sections of skin peeling after a few days How Aloe works to help Sunburn There are many reasons Aloe vera works to relieve the pain of sunburn: Anti-inflammatory - The leaves of this succulent plant have anti-inflammatory properties that can provide direct soothing relief. Moisturizer - Aloe Vera contains 99% water, which helps moisturize skin burned by moisture. Hydration is also How Aloe Vera helps itching and rashes. Skin Growth and Repair - Aloe Vera also contains glycoprotein and polysaccharides, two key ingredients that provide soothing benefits to the skin. Glycoprotein helps to minimize inflammation and pain while polysaccharides promote skin growth and repair. Using Aloe Vera on the sunburn Which type to use? Although Aloe Vera can be ingested in a variety of ways, topical application of a pure Aloe Vera gel is the most effective way to treat sunburn. Applying the soothing gel directly to the affected area allows the solution to immediately start doing its job and help you feel relieved. You can purchase many types of non-prescription aloe-based solutions in the form of lotions, creams or ointments, but the most effective treatment will be a pure Aloe Vera gel with no added chemicals and filling ingredients as possible. Helpful tip: Keep your Aloe gel in the fridge or freezer for extra relief when applying painful burns! How to register? Application of Aloe gelApply the gel generously and often to help soothe sunburned skin. Be careful not to use aloe-based creams or lotions containing the following additive ingredients: petroleum, benzocaine, or lidocaine. Theyare more than just fillers; gasolineeum traps heat in your skin and benzocaine and lidocaine can irritate your skin! As long as the product you use is all natural, you can apply it as often as necessary safely. If you do not mind doing the extra work, you can harvest the aloe directly from your own plant. Slice the leaves horizontally as you slice a loaf of bread to access the gel from the inner leaf. Forever Aloe Vera is sterile and can be applied immediately on sunburn. Important: You should always consult a doctor or dermatologist in case of a serious burn. Although the use of Aloe Vera on babies is usually safe, be aware that a sunburn of any severity is a serious medical problem for an infant.

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